Name 姓名: Amber Chou 周芷安

Age 年齡: 20

Hobbies 興趣: Baking 烘焙、Exploring new restaurants 發掘新餐廳、Travelling 旅遊

Favorite Country/City 喜愛國家/城市: Korea 韓國、Taiwan 台灣

Favorite Music 喜愛音樂: Pop 流行音樂、Deep House 浩室音樂(電子音樂)

Favorite Singers 喜愛歌手: A-Lin、Tia Ray

Favorite TV Dramas 喜愛電視劇: Breaking Bad、Orange Is The New Black

Favorite Animals 喜愛動物: Elephant 大象

Favorite Food 喜愛食物: Icy Desserts 冰的甜點

Most Admired Person 最敬仰人物: My aunt and grandma because they work hard to give a better life for my family

Best Attributes of my body 最滿意身體部位: My eyes 雙眼

Goals/Dreams in Life 志願/夢想: Be able to do what I love for a living and have control in life

If you were asked to imitate a person, who would that be?
Taiwanese singer-songwriter Ann